Virescit Vulnere Virtus (Courage Flourishes at a Wound)
The House of Burnett is the worldwide Burnett Society

Burnett News
Latest Stories and Current Events about and for Burnetts

Banchory service marks the beginning of a year of
700th-anniversary celebrations
March, 27 2023
"A special service was held in Banchory this week to mark the beginning of a year of celebrations of the arrival on Deeside the families of the Burnett of Leys and Irvine of Drum.
On Monday more than 100 people attended the event which celebrated the 700th anniversary of the Burnett family residing in the Crathes and Banchory area. The service at St Ternan’s Church was led by The Rector of St Ternan’s, The Reverend Canon Lynsay Downs with readings from the Burnett Family.
Members of the family were joined by guests representing local organisations, community groups and businesses including Banchory Community Council, Deeside Rugby Club, Banchory & District Initiatives, Banchory Golf Club, Banchory Heritage Society, Banchory British Legion, Banchory Show, Banchory Pipe Band, Banchory Scouts, Banchory St Ternan Football Club, Banchory Ternan Rotary Club, The Royal Deeside Railway Society, Banchory Cricket Club, Banchory Paths and Banchory Stonehaven Athletics Club(Renton 2023)."
To read the full Story By Dawn Renton, Published 29th Mar 2023, 07:03 BST, in the Scotsman: Scotland's National Newspaper, click the Read More Link below to the original article. #BurnettofLeys700
Members of the Burnett family and guests outside the Burnett Arms. Photo: Courtesy of Dawn Renton and The Scotsman 2023.

Loch of Leys Recovery and Restoration Project
Spring 2023
The Loch of Leys Recovery and Restoration Project is currently, the principal project of our Chief, James Comyn Amherst Burnett of Leys. This restoration project is intended to mark the 700th anniversary of the arrival of the Burnetts in 1323.
The Crannog, a man-made island, has existed since at least the 13th century and was home to the Burnett family after they first arrived in Deeside in the 14th century before they constructed Crathes Castle.

A Salute to: M. Malissa Burnette
Mar 23, 2021
Involved in several ground-breaking cases on civil and constitutional rights, M. Malissa Burnette has served as a pioneer for equal rights in the Palmetto State.
Burnette — a partner at Burnette, Shutt & McDaniel in Columbia — has been a specialist in Employment and Labor Law since 1993, as certified by the South Carolina Supreme Court.
In addition to her hard work on the front lines of equality and justice, Burnette stays active in the South Carolina Bar Senior Lawyers Division, the SC Bar Pro Bono Program and is the co-author and editor of all five editions of Labor and Employment Law for South Carolina Lawyers.
As part of the ongoing Women’s History Month spotlight series, read more about Burnette’s path and impact on the legal profession and South Carolina in this Bar News Article.

2021 Family Gathering Postponed
Jan 2021
Due to the increasing uncertainties relating to Covid-19. It would appear sensible to postpone the proposed 2021 Burnett Gathering. It is unlikely that leaving the decision until November will provide the required comfort.
2023 is the 700th anniversary of the recorded arrival of Burnetts’ (Burnard) on Deeside and it would seem appropriate to postpone any Gathering until that date.

House of Burnett has a new President
December 06, 2020
House of Burnett held its annual Board of Directors Meeting on Saturday, 12/05/2020.
At that time, we elected a new Pr